Friday, March 29, 2013

Biotechnology Assignment

Standard: California Biological/Life Sciences Standard 5: The genetic composition of cells can be altered by incorporation of exogenous DNA into the cells.
c. Students know how genetic engineering (biotechnology) is used to produce novel biomedical and agricultural products.
d. Students know how basic DNA technology (restriction digestion by endonucleases, gel electrophoresis, ligation, and transformation) is used to construct recombinant DNA molecules.
e. Students know how exogenous DNA can be inserted into bacterial cells to alter their genetic makeup and support expression of new protein products.

Introduction:  Based on the knowledge that the nitrogenous bases found in DNA form the universal genetic code, organisms genomes can be manipulated.  New genes from a human, such as the gene that codes for insulin, can be inserted into a prokaryotes (bacteria) genome.  The bacteria can then express the new gene and produce insulin through transcription and translation.  There are many other biotechnologies that have different purposes in the science field.  You will learn about what these techniques are, how they are used and how they are a potential benefit to society. 

Task:  You will visit various websites that introduce and explain different biotechnologies.  You will fill in a comparison matrix as you visit each site.  This is to help you organize your information.  Finally, you will create a blog post about ONE of the biotechnologies.  In this post, you will persuade the class on why your chosen biotechnology is the best.  Make sure to include pros and cons for your chosen biotechnology and for the ones that were not chosen.  It cannot be an “It is the best because I say so.”  Make sure to support your points with the research gathered through the various websites.

1.    Learn about DNA probes by using the following websites: DNA probeDNA probe animation and DNA probe 2
2.    Learn about PCR (polymerase chain reaction) by using the following websites: PCR animationPCR virtual lab and PCR.
3.    Learn about DNA fingerprinting: DNA fingerprinting interactive gameDNA fingerprinting, and DNA fingerprinting animation.
4.    Learn about Gel Electrophoresis: Gel electrophoresis virtual labGel electrophoresis animation and Gel electrophoresis.
5.    Learn about Microarrays (DNA chip): DNA chip 1DNA chip 2Microarray virtual lab, and DNA chip animation.

  1. As you visit each website, make sure to fill in the comparison matrix.  As you view the websites, keep in mind the following questions:
    1. What it is
    2. The process of it (how to use this in laboratory conditions)
    3. Why is it important?
  1. When you are done completing the assignment, make sure to compare and contrast all the techniques.  Some of them rely on other techniques in order to work.
  2. Using a Word document, create a persuasive review about one of the techniques.  In this piece, you must write why the technique you chose is more beneficial to society than the other ones.  Make sure to discuss the pros and cons of all the techniques. 
  3. When done, copy and paste your review to the class blog.  The blog post should have your name, period, date and title of your review. 
  4. Make sure to comment on two of your peers post.  In your comment, you must respond about how your technique is still better than the technique they chose.  You can also agree with their post but must post two reasons they did not identify in their post.
Persuasive Blog Post

Introductory Paragraph (x2)
The introduction names the chosen biotechnology and outlines the main points to be discussed.
The introduction names the biotechnology chosen of the post.
The introduction outlines some or all of the main points to be discussed but does not name the technology.
The introduction does not name the biotechnology AND does not preview what will be discussed.
Support for Position (x2)
All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position.
Most of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position.
At least one of the pieces of evidence and examples is relevant and has an explanation that shows how that piece of evidence supports the author's position.
Evidence and examples are NOT relevant AND/OR are not explained.
Closing paragraph (x2)
The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader solidly understanding the writer's position. Effective restatement of the position statement begins the closing paragraph.
The conclusion is recognizable. The author's position is restated within the first two sentences of the closing paragraph.
The author's position is restated within the closing paragraph, but not near the beginning.
There is no conclusion - the blog post just ends.
Grammar & Spelling (x1)
Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes 1-3 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes 4-7 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes more than 7 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
            Biotechnologies can be used to solve crimes, to analyze evolutionary relationships, to study genetic disorders, and to study the function of genes.  Through the use of these technologies, many advances can be made to improve the quality of human life.  Other technologies such as cloning and genetically modified organisms are controversial.  Check out the following websites to learn more about them: cloning and genetically modified organisms

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